John Skipp doing a 3-D Zombie Movie!

May 11, 2010

Horror superstar, friend of bizarro, and all-around awesome guy, John Skipp, is making a zombie movie:

Skipp went on to say, “Rose is a super-hot, hilarious ex-mental patient with a cable access puppet show in downtown LA. But now it’s 48 hours into the zombie apocalypse so she’s running rescue stations and musical numbers round the clock, trying to keep people’s hope alive…and periodically pausing to pulverize the skulls of the zombies trying to bust down her door.

Dread Central has the full story.

Cover and Contents for new Edward Lee short story collection

May 9, 2010


Mr Torso
Miss Torso
Grub Girl in the Prison of Dead Women
The Dritiphilist
The Mother
The Wrong Guy
The Baby
The McCrath Model ss40-C, Series S

Cover art by Alan M. Clark

Coming soon from Deadite Press!

BizarroCon 2010 Dates Annouced

April 15, 2010

You can bet I’ll be there.

Cover Art for new Edward Lee novella collection

April 14, 2010

This may be a contender for the most badass cover ever!

Some more info on the book:

Containing reprints of three classic Edward Lee novellas of horror, gore, and body fluids. Featuring:
Ever Nat
The Salt-Diviner
The Refrigerator full of Sperm

Blasting through your skull much sooner than you think.
From Deadite Press

New Review of Super Giant Monster Time!

April 14, 2010

Ryan Pikes at The Gauntlet, the University of Calgary’s undergraduate newsweekly, recently reviewed my new book, Super Giant Monster Time! You may remember Pike interviewed me last year about the creation of Shatnerquake.

“I was a bit daunted when our Entertainment Editor asked me to review Jeff Burk’s newest book, Super Giant Monster Time. The name itself makes me want to read it, but I wasn’t sure how to handle reviewing a choose-your-own-adventure book, especially one written by such an absurd and irreverent author as Burk. He’s the guy whose previous epic, Shatnerquake, featured at least fifteen different versions of William Shatner doing battle with each other. When I spoke with him last year, he was very excited for Super Giant Monster Time.

Now I can see why.

The book begins with alien spaceships approaching our planet. The book allows you to choose a character — a punk girl, an office worker or a scientist — and then choose their path through the story. Then the insanity truly begins.

I chose the office worker to start. My character was at his desk when a space lobster attacked. After a few choices, I got stuck in a loop. The office worker worked on TPS reports, got up for coffee, then went back for reports, then went back for coffee. Go to page 97. Go to page 20. Go to page 161. Go to page 116. Go to page 161. Go to page 20. The loop was so smoothly written that I didn’t notice that I was repeating the same steps for five minutes.

Damn you, Jeff Burk. You got me.

I tried the punk next, getting caught in a bar fight and then crushed to death by a gargantuan baby. I tried another punk path and got trapped in a sex shop with the city’s bizarre residents. The choices given to the reader seem to always be between bizarre extremes, but always funny ones. Sometimes the humour is more low-brow, other times it’s more wacky and absurdist.

I chose another path for the office worker, got transformed into an emo scene kid by an alien ray gun and was crushed to death by a giant carrot. My experiment as the scientist involved a giant robot samurai.

The strength of Super Giant Monster Time is Burk’s adventure-centered attitude. Each story path is unique and bizarre, but carries with it a wonderful sense of fun. Individual character choices are uniquely tailored to that character, but each choice leads to a wonderfully absurd ending.

The office worker himself had one strand of choices that lead to six different endings, each a masterpiece of perverse humour skewering a different part of society. Office workers do reports. Punks fight people in bars. Scientists do wacky things. These choices are more of an aside to the “main” story, but each funnels back and allows the reading experience to flow.

Once you get beyond the gimmick of the book, Super Giant Monster Time is still an expertly-written, taut thriller. It just happens to have giant monsters wreaking havoc and really insane characters and plot twists. For those in the mood for a fun, off-beat reading experience, it might just be Super Giant Monster Time.”

Click here to buy Super Giant Monster Time!

Norwescon is over

April 4, 2010

The Eraserhead crew is back safe and sound in Portland. Norwescon was amazing.  I’ll write more later.

Yeah, that’s how I’m feeling.

Download Tsunimoy! for free today only!

March 31, 2010

I have a special surprise for everyone today – a free download of Tsunimoy! the much demanded sequel to Shatnerquake! The physical book is not suppose to come out until 2011 but for the next 24 hours you can get the book a year in advance for free!

Leonard Nimoy was never the same after William Shatner died. Already reclusive, Nimoy retreated deeper and deeper into isolation. His huge fortunes allowed him to invest in technology that would allow him to play god and bring back his dear dead friend.

After a terrible attack from the twisted Campbellian cult, Nimoy’s technology malfunctions and there are now thousands of evil Leonard Nimoys rampaging across America.

To save the world from the horror he is responsible for, he will join forces with the greatest B-Movie heroes of all time. Can a heroin-addicted Bruce Campbell, a saved-in-christ Adam West, zombie Shatner, and Leonard Nimoy save the world!?!

The Free Download Time is Over! I hope you enjoyed your April Fool’s Day present.

Click here to buy Shatnerquake – part 1 of the Shatner Trilogy

Click here to buy Super Giant Monster Time! – my brand new Choose Your Own Mind Fuck Fest book

Live MicroBlogging from Norwescon

March 30, 2010

This coming Thursday through Sunday, I will be in WA for Norwescon. It’s a pretty fun convention themed around Sci-Fi and Fantasy culture.

I finally figured out how to work my cellphone so throughout the whole event I will be documenting the sights, sounds, and overheard quotes via my Twitter and Facebook pages. If you can’t make it to the convention just follow me and get some of the Eraserhead Press experience (hint: it involves alcohol and chain-mail bikinis).

My Twitter Page

My Facebook Page

2-Minute Drill Interview

March 29, 2010

I just did an interview with Steve Lowe where I reveal some of my vices and my fondness for bacon. Check it out here.

Bizarro News

March 15, 2010

A bunch of Bizarro related news in the past couples weeks.

– Cameron Pierce wrote a guide to creating IPhone apps.

– Carlton Mellick is making Warrior Wolf Women of the Wasteland into a series.

– Forrest Armstrong (aka Gasoline Monk) has out a new mixtape.

– Jeremy Robert Johnson was interviewed on Callin’ on Colin.